The TNA District 9 Nominating Committee has begun the process to elect new officers for fiscal year 2019-2021 (term starts July 1, 2019). Please consider serving as an officer for your professional organization!
You must be a current TNA D9 member to run for an elected position.
Ballot biographical data form submission deadline has been extend to February 27, 2019, by 5 pm.
Open Positions:
President-Elect (2019-2020)#*
Secretary (2019-2021)*
North Region Subdistrict Representative on the Board of Directors (2019-2021)*
South Region Subdistrict Representative on the Board of Directors (2019-2021)*
Board of Directors – 2 to be elected (2019-2021)*
Nominating Committee – 5 to be elected (2019-2020)*
Delegate – 20 to be elected (2019-2021)*
Online TNA D9 Ballot bio form 2019
Download TNA D9 ballot bio data form 2019
For more details on each position, download TNA Descriptions 2019
#Position is a 3-year term: President-Elect (2019-2020), President/TNA Delegate (2020-2021), Past-President (2021-2022)
*Fiscal year is July 1-June 30.
If no bio is received, your name will NOT be placed on the ballot.
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