Official Results of 2019 Election

President-Elect (3 year term: 1 year as Elect, 1 year as President, 1 year as Past-President
1. Kimberly Curtin

Secretary (2 year term)
1. Lisa Thomas

South Region Rep on the Board of Directors (2 year term)
1. J. Michael Leger

North Region Rep on the Board of Directors (2 year term)
1. Aletha Savage

Board of Directors – 2 positions (2 year term)
1. Claudine Dufrene
2. Marco Ollervides

Nominating Committee – 5 positions (1 year term)
1. Mary Andre (Chair)
2. Stephany Coleman
3. Catherine Mbango
4. Lisa Triche
5. Angela Yarbrough

Delegates – 20 positions (2 year term)
1. Crystal Amos
2. Tiffany Benita
3. Amanda Chappell
4. Jody Collins
5. Kimberly Curtin
6. Melissa Downing
7. Rachel Ellis
8. Courtney Gibbons
9. Susan Harris
10. Rosalyn Jones-Waters
11. Peggy Landrum
12. J. Michael Leger
13. Myla Magno
14. Tracy McManaman-Bridges
15. Teresa Oehler
16. Marco Ollervides
17. Linda Osborne
18. Lisa Triche
19. Jacqueline Ward
20. Angela Yarbrough

Alternate Delegates:
1. Doyle Bosque
2. Karee Carter
3. Nisha Cherian
4. Debbie Cline
5. Linda Ejem
6. Vanessa Monroe
7. Ebere Olawale
8. Tanya Rogers
9. Veena Smith
10. Sandra Southern
11. Brandy Snyder
12. Steven Powell
13. Lidiaty Wright

Views: 31

Posted in: Membership.
Last Modified: May 2, 2019