Texas Nurses Association District 9 Foundation
The Board and Planning Committee of “Nursing Celebration” eagerly anticipate the 32nd Anniversary of the Texas Nurses Association District 9 Foundation’s Nursing Celebration Gala. This event supports the Texas Nurses District 9 Foundation, ensuring the future of healthcare and excellence in the nursing profession by providing scholarships to nursing students and awarding grants to registered nurses in District 9. On Friday, November 8, 2024, the venue will be packed with Sponsors, Honorees, Scholarship and Grant Recipients, and Supporters.
“Nurses are strong, resilient, and innovative in dealing with multiple issues, including staffing shortages, moral distress, and workplace violence, but they persevere and provide compassionate care. This celebration is a great time to celebrate all nurses and to recognize Outstanding Nurses who exemplify nursing’s contributions to the health of our community.” says Dr. Nancy Yuill, who served as the 2022 President of Texas Nurses Association, District 9.
For 32 years, the Texas Nurses Association District 9 has hosted Nursing Celebration, an elegant Gala event dedicated to honoring exceptional nurses, awarding scholarships to nursing students, and providing grants for nursing research. These nurses and students live and/or work in District 9, which encompasses Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker, and Waller counties. District 9 (Greater Houston area) is the largest district in Texas, with over 4,600 members. Nursing Celebration, a charitable event, offers sponsors an opportunity to gain exposure within the healthcare community. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss the event, the nurses it supports, and sponsorship options. Together, we can recognize the work of nurses and provide support for their future endeavors.
Your support is greatly appreciated and will benefit nursing scholarships and grant funding. For more details, contact Kelsey Saddoris at the TNA District 9 office, 713-523-3619 or email at tna9@tnadistrict9.com.
Nomination Form
Honoring remarkable nurses and presenting scholarships
and research grants to nurses and nursing students in District 9
Bayou City Event Center – Friday, November 8, 2024
District 9 of the Texas Nurses Association is accepting nominations for our 32nd Annual Nursing Celebration 2024 OUTSTANDING NURSE Award.
We invite you to nominate registered nurses who have made an outstanding contribution to the profession—staff nurses, educators, managers, practitioners, community nurses, and school nurses.
Any registered nurse currently licensed in Texas and working as an RN in the District 9 area (including Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker, and Waller counties) is eligible. Anyone may nominate a registered nurse; however, self-nominations are not eligible. Previous recipients are not eligible to receive the award again but may be selected for the Lifetime Achievement Award or the Noble Nurse Award. Criteria for these awards can be found on the TNA, District 9 website.
Nominators may scan the entire signed application and email it to tna9@tnadistrict9.com or complete the nomination electronically.
If completed electronically, the nominee must email tna9@tnadistrict9.com indicating an agreement to the nomination.
Nominations must be received in the TNA D9 office by September 29, 2024.
We thank you for your support and encouragement and applaud your efforts to recognize individuals who give so much to others.
For further information, please call the TNA District 9 office at (713) 523-3619 or email tna9@tnadistrict9.com
Download Call-for-Nominations-2024 form
Nomination Form
Honoring remarkable nurses and presenting scholarships
and research grants to nurses and nursing students in District 9
Bayou City Event Center – Friday, November 8, 2024
District 9 of the Texas Nurses Association is accepting nominations for our 32nd Annual Nursing Celebration 2024 OUTSTANDING NURSE Award.
We invite you to nominate registered nurses who have made an outstanding contribution to the profession—staff nurses, educators, managers, practitioners, community nurses, and school nurses.
Any registered nurse currently licensed in Texas and working as an RN in the District 9 area (including Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker, and Waller counties) is eligible. Anyone may nominate a registered nurse; however, self-nominations are not eligible. Previous recipients are not eligible to receive the award again but may be selected for the Lifetime Achievement Award or the Noble Nurse Award. Criteria for these awards can be found on the TNA, District 9 website.
We are no longer taking Nominations for Nursing Celebration.
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