Texas Team

Advancing Health through the Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations


Team Texas methodist

October 1, 2015
Mary Gibbs Jones Bldg in the Texas Medical Center
1130 John Freeman Blvd, Houston, TX 77030
Pedernales Assembly Hall

Please join your Nursing colleagues for a day of networking and learning before the Promise of Nursing Gala.

Sign up online, and please share this email with your colleagues!

Houston Methodist is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Nurses can earn 5.25 contact hours upon successful completion of this continuing education activity. Attendees must attend the entire activity and complete an evaluation for successful completion.

Views: 29

Clinical Leadership Conference

Texas Team Gulf Coast Regional Leadership Team
and UTHealth School of Nursing

Cordially invites you to attend the
Clinical Leadership Conference
May 8, 2014 – 3:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital
Leadership Development to Drive
the Future of Nursing
Featured Presenters

Susan D. Ruppert, PhD, RN, NP-C, FAANP, FAAN
Professor, UTHealth School of Nursing
Shawna Morris, MPA, FACHE
Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, The Menninger Clinic

Debra L. Fowler, PhD, MBA, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor, UTHealth School of Nursing
Executive Vice President & Chief Nurse Executive, Harris Health System

Please submit registration by MAY 1, 2014.

Register by calling/emailing Melanie Truong at 713-523-3619 or
tna9@tnadistrict9.comSuccessfully Encoded Cost: $40 includes meal and 3.25 CNE
(pay by cash at the door)

Program location is graciously sponsored by:
Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital
8220 State Highway 249Houston, TX 77070

The University of Texas Houston Health  Science Center at Houston School of  Nursing is an approved provider of continuing nursing
education by the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on

View the Texas Team flyer May 2014

Views: 53

Texas Team Advancing Health through Nursing

Texas Team

The Texas Team Advancing Health Through Nursing is a regional action coalition, composed of a diverse array of stakeholders, charged with transforming the health of Texans through nursing by implementing the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health

Views: 58

A Call for Leadership

The Future of Nursing: A Call for Leadership
Susan D. Ruppert, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, NP-C, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Nursing
Texas Team Executive Committee
Past Nurse Leader – Texas Team Gulf Coast Regional Leadership Team

View A Call for Leadership

Views: 31