My Gift of Grace
TNA Legislative Watch Party
Welcome to the official website for Texas Nurses Association, District 9 (TNA D9)!
Cheryl Lindy, PhD, RN-BC, NEA-BC
President, Texas Nurses Association, District 9
Welcome to the official website for Texas Nurses Association, District 9 (TNA D9)! This site will provide you information about District 9 and the Texas Nurses Association (TNA) activities. Being consistent with the mission of TNA to Empower Nurses to Advance the Profession, the goal of the TNA D9 Board of Directors is to support the work nurses do every day, to improve the health and well-being of patients and contribute to the development of colleagues and students in the Houston / Galveston area.
TNA is the voice of nursing for all nurses in Texas. Your membership in TNA and TNA D9 contributes to the funding needed to advocate for nurses and nursing practice during the legislative session. If you are not yet a member, please consider joining us at the local, state, and/or national level.
In July 2016, TNA D9 merged with District 6 making District 9 the largest district in the TNA with over 2500 members. This occurred after favorable votes by members in each district and revision of the district’s bylaws.
TNA D9 moved to a new office on the Southwest freeway leaving the office occupied for 46 years in August 2016. Archives from the district have been gifted to the John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center, Houston Academy of Medicine Texas Medical Center Library. A reception is being planned for Oct 24 to recognize this donation.
TNA D9 hosted a jubilee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the district in September 2016. The theme of the jubilee was Honoring Our Past, Engaging Our Present, Embracing Our Future. A CE offering was provided describing the lessons learned from the past work of TNA D9 and the implications for today’s nursing practice.
Our membership meetings have been restructured to be relevant to nursing practice and provide contact hours. The meetings are open to everyone. Sub district meetings are currently held in The Woodlands/Spring area. Meeting times and days vary, so check our website for what is coming! Other sub districts are being formed. A conference is currently being planned for Spring 2017. More information will follow.
Annually, TNA D9 recognizes the contributions nurses have made to our profession through continued delivery of quality care, support of their colleagues, and development of students at Nursing Celebration. On November 10th, TNA D9 will host the 26th Nursing Celebration at The Westin Galleria. At Nursing Celebration, plan to meet the executive director and the elected leadership of the Texas Nurses Association, participate in a Silent Auction with great offerings, and join the celebration and recognition of 20 outstanding nurses from the Houston / Galveston area.
Mark your calendar now to attend Nurses Day at the Capital on Feb 27 and 28, 2017 in Austin. This provides nurses an opportunity to meet with TNA leaders to discuss the nursing legislative agenda. Attendees are encouraged to meet with their legislators to discuss the agenda.
Views: 56
Communicating with Patients and Families
CHI St. Luke’s The Woodlands Hospital
Texas Nurses Association, District 9
North Region Sub District Membership Meeting
Saturday, October 15, 2016
8:30 a.m.
Open to all – members, non-members, students
Immediately following the membership meeting:
Title: Communicating with Patients and Families
Speaker: Vicki Brownewell, MS, RN, NEA-BC
CHI St. Luke’s The Woodlands Hospital
Conference Rooms 2, 3 &4
17200 St. Luke’s Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
No registration necessary.
Both events will be completed by 10:00am
1.0 contact hour will be awarded for successful completion of this activity.
Houston Methodist is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the
Texas Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Views: 32
Nurse Appreciation Night
Views: 32
We’re moving
We’re moving! Effective September 1, 2016, the D9 office will move to the Arena Tower Two building located at 7324 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2-1453, Houston, TX 77074. Please click link for photos of the newly renovated space! The office space will be smaller than our current location, but we will have access to board rooms and a classroom.
Views: 24
Q&A Regarding Proposed Bylaws Amendments
Questions from a member:
Can you share with me what would be a negative impact to the communities in which we practiced by merging the districts? I’m all for cohesiveness within our nursing community but that seems to create one very large district. Additionally it seems that we’re making provisions to modify the board and it’s committees. Is this a representation of the needs of the community or budget guidelines? Overall it seems like a restructuring of the board and it’s districts and I’m just curious as to what the outcomes of this looks like.
Answers from D9 officers:
Thank you for this question! Let us start by responding to your larger question about the composition of the Board and Committee structures. For many years, District 9 has had a Northern Subdistrict that has operated on behalf of the TNA District 9 members living in The Woodlands/Kingwood/Humble area with monthly meetings. This allowed a membership meeting to occur outside of the meetings held closer to the center of Houston so that nurses who lived in the north/northeast Houston area could attend meetings and receive CE opportunities that would be difficult if the only option they could attend was nearer to downtown Houston. Our state organization has watched this development and encouraged District 9 to consider expanding this model because it was working! At a Board retreat, your elected representatives considered how to engage our membership beyond the occasional face-to-face meeting. We sent a survey to members and the responses were captured in three main ideas: 1) our membership wanted access to CE events, 2) our membership wanted opportunities for mentoring and development as staff nurses and nurse leaders, and 3) our membership wanted to connect with each other in meaningful ways.
Based on this survey and our continuing efforts to raise awareness of TNA District 9, we have seen unprecedented growth. In just 2 years, we have grown our membership from about 1500 to over 1800 nurses in the greater Houston area. This raised questions for the Board about our current Bylaws and District structure. The Bylaws revisions you are voting on are to address those concerns by several actions:
1. We will remove committees that no longer serve the District and its functions
2. Provide flexibility for the Board to establish committees and project groups that allow members to get involved in meaningful ways
3. Structure our district so that nurses who live in our widely diverse area can become involved with other TNA District 9 members near their home or work
The budget is in good shape, yet these changes do not impact the budget in any material way. No more money is being spent to enact these changes. Our work as your Board is voluntary and unpaid. We are moving our office from its current location in Rice Village to the Arena Towers at the corner of Interstate 59/69 and Fondren. This move will cut our lease expense by half! We will use this savings to create a CE event next May that is citywide in scope and provides a means for our membership to come together, learn, and share with each other. We believe this move is both fiscally responsible and positions us well for many years to come.
Now to speak about our merger with District 6. Though older than ourselves (I hope that you have heard that TNA District 9 turns 100 years old this September!), District 6 did not have some of the infrastructure that District 9 has accumulated over the years. This, coupled with limited resources, brought the District 6 leaders and members to rescind their bylaws and to merge with District 9. One of the subdistricts that we intend to support is a Galveston/Southeast Subdistrict. Our work is just beginning in this environment to continue to voice of the former District 6 members as new members of District 9. Your vote on our Bylaws revisions makes this a reality! We believe that this will strengthen TNA District 9 and provide many opportunities for membership engagement as we move into our mutual future. Other subdistricts being formed include: Katy/Northwest, Central, Sugar Land/Southwest, and Woodlands/Humble/Northeast. Meetings will be held in each of the subdistricts as we develop a core group of nurses who will support the meeting with their attendance.
Your initial question asks whether there is a negative impact for the communities in which TNA District 9 nurses practice. We do not anticipate negative impact and will continually evaluate our structure and dialog with our membership as developments occur. I hope that you will become involved with TNA District 9 and bring to life what you envision for our shared future!
Again, thank you for this question and let us know if this response creates additional questions or concerns.
Cheryl M. Lindy, PhD, RN-BC, NEA-BC
President, TNA District 9
Lisa Boss, PhD, RN, ACNS, CEN
President-Elect, TNA District 9
Robert Blake, RN-BC, MS, MBA, MDiv, NEA-BC
Past-President, TNA District 9
Views: 22