Views: 40
Incivility: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Patient Care
Views: 31
President’s Message
Lisa Boss, PhD, RN, CNS, CEN
President, Texas Nurses Association, District 9
I distinctly remember my first year as a registered nurse. I was working on a medical/surgical floor in the Texas Medical Center, and I was scared, overwhelmed, and my highest priority was to get through the shift without any mistakes. I also remember the “older” nurses who had 20 years of experience. They drank their coffee, were confident, and seemed to have all the answers. I hoped that in 20 years I would have all the answers as well, and my shifts as a nurse would be as easy as theirs looked. I am currently in my 20th year of nursing, and I now I drink lots of coffee, but I don’t have all the answers and I don’t think any nurse would say their shifts are easy. In fact, I believe it’s even more difficult to be a nurse today than it was in 1997.
Despite the challenges we face as nurses everyday in the current healthcare environment…it’s an amazing time to be a nurse in Texas! It’s an amazing time to be a member of the Texas Nurses Association! Having the privilege to experience all the exciting activities in the legislature as it pertains to our profession has been such a pleasure. This is my 20th year of nursing, my 20th year as a member of Texas Nurses Association District 9, and I am honored to serve you as President. I cannot wait to see what we can accomplish this year, and in the next 20 years!
I will serve you as President for just one year, just a small window of time. During this time, I will do my best to move our association forward and ensure we are in alignment with the overall strategic goal of Texas Nurses Association, which is “to position Texas Nurses Association as a vibrant and growing membership organization that provides superior value to its members through engagement opportunities.” With your help, results of our alignment with this overall strategic goal will not be difficult, and I anticipate the results will be incredible.
There are many activities we have specifically designed for you to support Texas Nurses Association’s overall strategic goal. For example, this is our first year to be merged with former District 6 (Galveston area), and we have already held one successful educational event on the island. As you know, there are a large number of nurses and nursing students who work/live in the Galveston area with a wealth of knowledge and experience that adds significant value to District 9. We are ecstatic to include them in our District 9 family, and we have another event in Galveston planned for Spring 2018. We are also planning an Education Conference to be held in Summer 2018. In June 2017, we held our first Education Conference in almost 30 years and it was an overwhelming success. The topic was related to the current Opioid Crisis, and there were expert speakers and 70 people in attendance. More information to follow on both of these exciting events!
Thank you for your membership in Texas Nurses Association District 9. It is an honor to share this journey with you. I am looking forward to what we will accomplish together in the coming year!
Views: 57
Jurisprudence & Ethics for nurses: Theories, Principles, and the Law
Memorial Hermann and TNA District 9 Jointly Present
Jurisprudence & Ethics for nurses: Theories, Principles, and the Law
Nancy Yuill, RN, Ph.D., Campus President
Chamberlain College of Nursing – Pearland
Memorial Hermann Health System is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This CNE activity has been jointly provided by Memorial Hermann Health System collaboratively with Texas Nurses’ Association
Thursday, October 26, 2017
5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital
Main Building Conference Rooms A & D
16655 Southwest Fwy, Sugar Land, Texas 77479
Free parking in the adjacent garage or surface parking
*This activity is designed to meet the Nursing Jurisprudence CE requirement by the Texas Board of Nursing.
Download TNA Flyer Oct 26 2017
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Malnutrition in the Obese Patient
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Southeast Houston/Galveston region TNA Meeting
Please join us for our first merged Southeast Houston/Galveston region TNA Meeting with FREE CNE provided by UTMB.
DATE: September 14, 2017
TIME: 6:00-9:00 PM
WHERE: Open Gates Conference Center – 1st Floor Gold Room, 2419 Sealy St, Galveston, TX 77550
6:00-6:30 General Meeting/Board of Director Introductions
6:30-7:30 CNE Presentation (details below)
7:30-9:00 Networking (wine/cheese reception)
Title: Indirect Aggression and the Relationship to Incivility in Nursing-Where Do We Go From Here?
Presenters: Tammy Cupit, PhD, RN-BC and Dora M. Kuntz, MSN-Ed, RN, CCRP
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Desired Learning Outcome Statement:
Registered Nurses will actively participate in the discussion and know elements and concepts of acts of indirect aggression, not only in others, but also in themselves, and the different personality traits that can be seen in those who both demonstrate acts of aggression and those who become the victims. They will indicate an intent to change practice on the post-activity evaluation tool.
Nurses who attend this presentation will receive 1.0 continuing nursing education contact hours. You must be present for the entire presentation to obtain credit.
The presenter, planning committee and reviewer of this continuing education has expressed no conflict of interest.
University of Texas Medical Branch Continuing Nursing Education is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
There is no charge for the meeting. This will be the first meeting in the area since the merger of D6 with D9.
Views: 39
Care of the Older Adult*
Care of the Older Adult*
By Maureen Beck DNP, RN, GNP-BC
Thursday, August 17, 2017
6:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. (short business meeting to follow program)
Houston Methodist The Woodlands Conference Center
Third Floor “Sky Plaza”
Address: 17201 I-45, The Woodlands, TX 77385
$35 for non-TNA member licensed RN/LVNs, $20 for TNA members
Free for all undergraduate students
2.0 Contact Hours will be awarded for successful completion of this activity.
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Texas Nurses Association, an
accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on
To register, please fill out registration form below and return with payment to: TNA District 9, 7324
Southwest Freeway, Suite 1453, Houston, TX 77074. May also register online at,
click Events. Please contact the D9 office for any questions.
Views: 39
Advocate May 2017
The Official Publication of Texas
Nurses Association, District 9
Downnload/View Advocate May 2017
Views: 31