Shirley Morrison, PhD, RN
President, Texas Nurses Association District 9
Welcome to the official website for Texas Nurses Association, District 9! Our website will keep you well informed of the activities of District 9 and the Texas Nurses Association. This past year, with the Ebola virus outbreak, we are even more aware of the unsung and often-unrecognized role nurses play in our ever-changing health care system.
If you are not a member of Texas Nurses Association, District 9, we would love to have you as a member. I invite you to join us and learn more about the benefits this professional association provides to its members.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings – they are open to everyone. Each meeting includes a continuing education presentation on a current/relevant topic. Meeting locations vary, allowing attendees an opportunity to network. Meeting schedules and presentation topics are located on the website under Meetings/Programs.
Each year TNA D9 recognizes twenty outstanding nurses from our District at an event called Nursing Celebration. The evening is dedicated to the excellent contributions nurses make to patients and the health care industry. Membership is not required to be recognized, serve on a committee, or attend the event. For those of you who attended Nursing Celebration 2014 on November 13 at the Westchase Hilton Hotel, I know you were as impressed as I was for the incredible achievements of our outstanding honorees.
We can all be proud of the efforts of TNA District 9 to continue to recognize outstanding nurses in our midst for their achievements and service as exemplary role models. As we look forward to 2015, your District 9 Board of Directors hope to foster the passionate energy and enthusiasm we all felt the night of November 13. I invite each of you to join us in our many activities and especially to join your colleagues for a special 25th year Nursing Celebration, November 2015.
Shirley Morrison, PhD, RN
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